BIFPA 2023
March 20-24thBelfast International Festival of Performance Art Northern Ireland's leading showcase of contemporary performance art, showcasing the best Irish and international performance artists to local and visiting audiences.
‘An Absence’, Durational performance, 2 hours, charcoal, canvas and floodlight.
This performance was the continutation of an experimentation with performance in March 2022. The original piece took influence from Plato's allegory of the cave; in which the shadow represented a fake truth or an illusion of reality. Using charcoal, water and tempera paint, I attemped to outline or contain my shadow. An attempt to cement or control my reality, which was not and could not be achieved. In this performance peice, I once again attempted to capture my shadow. This time the performance was exploring, how to capture the presence of absense, the trace of a loss. I simplified the materials to canvas and charcoal.

Images c/o Dr Sandra Johnston.